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MARTEC es una empresa innovadora formada por un equipo con amplia experiencia en la producción y diseño de productos de papel. Nuestra especialidad radica en la fabricación de envases ecológicos, entre los que destacan nuestros portalatas (multipacks).

Date: 27/11/2023
MARTEC is an innovative company comprised of a team with extensive experience in the production and design of paper products. Our specialty lies in the manufacturing of eco-friendly packaging, among which our can holders (multipacks) stand out. Our main objective is to assist our customers in replacing single-use plastic with recyclable and/or compostable options. Our design approach focuses on optimizing materials and processes, aiming to reduce volumes and total weights without compromising strength. Leer más

Aproximadamente un tercio de los alimentos destinados al consumo humano que se producen cada año se desperdician, lo que afecta significativamente al medio ambiente.

Date: 16/09/2023
💪 We can all contribute to improving this situation! Plan your meals before shopping 📝🛒 Store your food properly to prevent spoilage before consumption 🍞❄️ Regularly check the expiration dates of your food items ⏰📅 Give leftovers a new life with creative recipes 🍲👩‍🍳 Remember, every step towards a more sustainable life matters 🌿 Leer más

Plantar un árbol no es sólo un acto simbólico de compromiso con la naturaleza sino también una poderosa acción que contribuye a la lucha contra el cambio climático

Date: 16/09/2023
Planting a tree is not only a symbolic act of commitment to nature but also a powerful action that contributes to the fight against climate change. Trees are the silent superheroes of our ecosystem. 🌱💚During their growth, trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen into the air. By reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, we help mitigate global warming and its consequences. 🌍🌳Their roots also function as sponges, helping to retain water in the soil. This prevents erosion and improves water quality, benefiting aquatic life and nearby communities. 💧💧Remember, our future depends on the actions we take today. Together, we can make a significant difference for our planet. 🌏🌿 Leer más

¿Sabías que el 40% del plástico que utilizamos es plástico de un solo uso?

Date: 16/09/2023
Did you know that 40% of the plastic we use is single-use plastic? If we want to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, it is necessary that we pay attention to the products we use daily and that are single-use plastic, as these can end up damaging the environment ♻ Some of the most common examples are: 🔹Plastic shopping bags. 🔹Plastic straws. 🔹Plastic cutlery for takeout. 🔹Plastic bottles for beverages. 🔹Plastic coffee cups. 🔹Plastic packaging for food and products. 🔹Plastic wraps for food. 🔹Plastic drink stirrers. 🔹Cotton swabs with plastic sticks. 🔹Plastic shipping envelopes. Leer más

¿Sabías que sólo aproximadamente el 9% de los residuos plásticos generados en todo el mundo se reciclan?

Date: 16/09/2023
Did you know that only approximately 9% of the plastic waste generated worldwide is recycled? 🥤 According to a study by the OECD, published in 2022, despite about 25% being collected for recycling, only around 9% actually ends up being recycled. This study also revealed that, out of the discarded plastic, 22% ends up in unregulated locations such as illegal landfills, oceans, etc. 🗑️ We can all help mitigate this situation by choosing sustainable products and replacing plastic in our purchases with alternatives that utilize biodegradable materials. Choose to be part of the change! ♻ Leer más

¿Sabías que todos podemos desempeñar un papel para garantizar la supervivencia de las crías de tortugas marinas? Estas pequeñas criaturas enfrentan numerosos desafíos

Date: 16/09/2023
Did you know that we can all play a role in ensuring the survival of baby sea turtles? These tiny creatures face numerous challenges, and it's up to us to create a safe environment for them to thrive 🐢 Here are a few tips on how you can help protect these adorable little ones: 💙 Properly dispose of trash: Sea turtles often mistake plastic bags and other debris for food. Ensure that you dispose of trash properly and recycle whenever possible. 💙 Reduce beachfront lighting: Baby sea turtles rely on natural light to find their way to the ocean. Artificial lights can confuse and disorient them. 💙 Avoid touching or disturbing hatchlings: If you encounter baby sea turtles on the beach, admire them from a safe distance. Let's come together to create a brighter future for these amazing creatures! 🌊 Leer más